Set Your Sails For an Engrossing, Fast-Paced Adventure of Intrigue, Passion, and Betrayal Upon the Historic Shores of Britain.
When Mademoiselle Dominique Dawson sets foot on the soil of her beloved homeland, England, she feels neither the happiness nor the excitement she expected upon her return to the place of her birth. Alone for the first time in her life, without family, without friends, without protection, she now faces a far more frightening prospect, for she has come to the country she loves as an enemy-a spy for Napoleon. Forced to betray England or never see her only brother alive again, Dominique has accepted a position as governess to the son of Admiral Chase Randal, a harsh man, still bitter over the loss of his wife. Will Dominique find the strength she needs through God to follow through with the plan to rescue her brother? Will Chase find comfort for his bitter heart in God's arms and be able to love again? And what new deceptions will they both find in France when they arrive to carry out their plan?
What Others are Saying
"The Falcon and the Sparrow by M. L. Tyndall was a book full of nail biting wonders and hopes." - Maisha Walker for The Road to Romance
"Falcon and The Sparrow is a stirring tale that captures the heart and often leaves little prickling sensations inside" - Cherokee, Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance
"The Falcon and the Sparrow is a tender story full of love and despair, intrigue and danger, good and evil." - Trudy OnceUponaRomance
". . .a riveting storyline and heart-pounding suspense. ..expertly written, featuring lovable characters, an inspiring Christian message, and an ideal blend of action, romance, and history. Confidently recommend this excellent title to fans of romance and historical fiction." -CBA Marketplace
Main Characters

Dominique Celine Dawson
Brief Description: Dominique is average in height, petite and thin. She wears her long chestnut hair
pinned up in regency style around her face with ringlets of curls dangling about her neck. Her eyes are brown with sparkling flecks of yellow that set the hero's heart aflame!
Dominique is tall, sleek and yet she possesses an inherent innocence. She's attractive but she doesn't know it. She has no idea how to use her feminine charms to her advantage. In a room full of people, she tends to hang back in the shadows and go unnoticed. She does not carry herself with a great deal of confidence, but people enjoy her company because she is refreshing and straightforward.
Strengths: Strong faith, extreme loyalty to family, determination and perseverance
Weaknesses: Timid, fearful, and unsure of herself
Quirks: Unlike most people whose stomachs sour when they are nervous, Dominique becomes ravenously hungry under stress. You'll find her eating at all hours of the day and night, consuming everything in sight and never gaining a pound. Can't stand her!
Inspiration: I wanted to create a character who isn't like the typical heroine I read about in many romance novels. You know the type: brave, strong, defiant, and bold. Dominique is none of those things. In fact, she is quite timid, easily frightened, and insecure. In many ways, she is like me. I wondered what would happen if I placed her in a very harrowing situation-a life and death situation in which she would have to risk not only her life but her brothers as well. And to top it all off, she'd have to do something that went against her loyalty to her country and her Christian principles.
Admiral Chase Randal
Brief Description: Chase is an imposing man. Tall and large boned, he fills out his admiral uniform quite nicely. His eyes, the color of dark chocolate, are constantly perusing everyone around him, assessing them and the situation as if he were out at sea facing an enemy. He wears his dark, reddish-brown hair tied behind him in a queue, and when he enters a room, he seems to fill it with his masculine presence.
Whenever I think of Chase Randal, a picture of Russell Crowe in his role as Captain Jack Aubrey in the movie Master and Commander comes to mind. A gruff, commanding leader of men who feels more comfortable on board a ship than at home. But beneath the rough exterior lies the heart of a true gentleman yearning to be loved like everyone else.
Strengths: Courageous, Decisive, Loyal, Intelligent, Confident
Weaknesses: Moody, grouchy, bitter and weak in his faith
Quirks: Chase has insomnia. He wanders the halls of his London Townhouse all hours of the night, plagued by nightmares of his dead wife.
Inspiration: I simply love male characters who appear all tough on the outside, almost frightening in their gruffness, yet on the inside they are wounded little boys who desperately need help. I believe we have many of these sorts of men in our society today. They put on a façade of independence, of "you can't hurt me", but inside, their hearts have been deeply damaged. Chase is a man with a broken heart. He has turned his back on God and prefers to run away to the sea and forget about his past, his life, and his son. That is, until Dominique shows up on his doorstep and turns his world upside down!